busyness + restlessness = anxiety
Originally published September 2, 2024
Energy ebbs and flows.
It easy to feel good when the energy is flowing, you are achieving, dreaming, and it feels like your cup has all it needs.
But when that energy ebbs, it can be hard not to compare to what you could do days, weeks, months, or years before.
This last week was one of those ebbs over here so I've been operating on my low energy, bare minimum schedule across the board. So I'm dropping in on a Monday (it's a long weekend so it still feels like Sunday, right?) this week 🖤
Over the next couple months, I'll be focusing on tools and strategies you can use to support through the busy (and sometimes boundary busting) fall/pre-holiday time of year. I'd love your feedback on what feels the most helpful for you to receive:
What area of life and work would you most like to see tools and strategies for?
Click the topic below that you would most like to see. It will load a new page once your vote has been counted. You can vote for multiple if you'd like to see more than one!
Turning Tension into Traction
In several client conversations last week the topic "how the busy season is upon us" kept coming up. School is back in session and the world is hitting warp speed to blow through milestones before the holiday season arrives.
Do you feel that tension building as well?